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Crystal Journey Votive $1.25 ea
Crystal Journey Candles are dressed with oils for purpose,and come in brillant bright colors with affirmations you can read while the candle is burning.
Warning: Never leave a candle burning unattended!!!!

Choose this candle to help you create and focus on abundance.  Seek Abundance out then call her forth.
Angels Influence
We are all in need of an Angels Influence. Choose this candle to focus and become aware of Angels Influence.
Ascended Masters & Guides
Choose this candle to make create contact with those Ascended Masters and Guides that are among us
In such a busy life we sometimes forget to have compassion for self as well as others, choose this candle to create and experience Compassion in your life
Choose this candle to help you create and focus on having Confidence in your life experience and life choices
Choose this candle to create and experience Courage in your life and choices 
Dragons Blood
Choose this candle for clearing and protecting your home, office ect.
Dreams, a glimpse of the other side, choose this candle when you need clarity in your dreams, or choose to experience prophetic dreams
One of the most powerful relationships we have while here are our frienships, choose this candle for creating positive friendships around you and honoring those you already have.
Good Health
Choose this candle for focusing and creating the experience of Good Health, to help with encouragement to exercise, eat healthy and meditate for stress relief.
Choose this candle to help create and become aware of the Harmony in all things and experiencing Harmony in our own lives.
Choose this candle to help you focus and become aware of creating healing in your life, from pain, sorrow, dis-ease of the spirit, relationships, thoughts.
Moving into a new home, choose this candle to help create and become aware of the blessings in having your sacred space
Natures best medicine. When all else fails laugh. Choose this candle to help you focus on and create more laughter in your life.
Choose this candle to help eliminate stress. Lavendar will help you sleep, stay calm and is also good for protection.
All we need is love. Love is like water to the body, without it we die. Give Love, Recieve Love, Embrace Love!!!! Choose this candle to become more aware of the love that surrounds you, in the trees, the clouds, the rain that falls, the breeze that touches your face, the smile of a child looking at you. Love is everywhere, if only we choose to see her.
Manifest a Miracle
Choose this candle for those times when a miracle is needed. Focus and become aware that miracles are happening all the time. You very life is a miracle waiting to be recognized.
Money or currency, the energy of giving and recieving. Choose this candle when money is needed. It speaks for itself, and yes it works
There are times when we loose our way, no longer feeling motivated to do our best. Choose this candle to help you focus on becoming motivated to do all you can while you are here.
Joy, the key to life. Choose this candle to help you focus and become more aware of the joy you can bring to your life and the life of others.

Peace be with us all. Choose this candle when you need to focus on creating peace in your life experience
Positive Energy
Choose this candle when you feeling negative in your thoughts and actions. Focus on being more positive and seeing more positivity around you and in others
Choose this candle when you feel powerless or need that extra boost to do those positive things in life. You have the power to create the life you choose.
Problem Solving
Choose this candle when you have problems you need to resolve. Concentrate that the solution to the problem is being revealed to you in a positive way
Choose this candle when protection is needed, be it from negative thoughts or negative actions of others or self. Focus on white light surrounding you and your loved ones, surrounding your lives.
Choose this candle when you need a little seduction in your life
Spirit surrounds us in all things. Choose this candle to become more aware of the wonderful power of spirit that loves and protects you unconditionally
Wisdom = Correct knowledge applied. Choose this candle to become aware of the wisdom to be found in all things and all experiences

7 Day Candles

7 Knob Candle

Image Candle

CC Beeswax Candles